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The Shard ZR

A member registered Jan 24, 2021

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Of course! I wish that I could offer my help with coding but unfortunatley I cant rn. But whenever I can I will definetley help you boot it to unity!

Idk if youve already tried this or how it would effect the game, but maybe try swithcing engines? I am also a fellow gamedev and I use unity. looking at this game I thought that if you switched it to unity you would have so much more possibilitys. I know youve probably heard that already, but that is my personal advice. switching to a different engine like unity or unreal will also improve the features you have already.

lol. I just say that because many times the only rooms with valuble stuff in it is guarded by a guard. If we could take them out then those levels would actually be possible

you should ad like a sneak attack to disable guards.